Facing Death

A musical photo project by Veronika Ehrensperger and Tina Ruisinger
Lighthouse and other hospices, 2019

Dying people are given a voice and the traces of their lives are shown and preserved. Listening to one's ahead of us is a precious legacy to follow. In the face of death, life becomes more essential, more alive, more identical. It is the confrontation with death and the finitude of life that makes us aware of how valuable life can be. Through music and a phototherapeutic approach, Veronika Ehrensperger and Tina Ruisinger find access to the participating residents and bring emotions, needs and wishes to the surface. What is important to people in the face of approaching death, definition of time, meaning of friendships, culture of memory? Facing Death is intended to provide an insight into this last stage of life, without restriction and taboo, but with the greatest care and respect. Ehrensperger as harpist records the music, conversations and moods and Ruisinger visualizes the atmospheric circumstances, both being very concerned about the dignity of the dying person. The results are sound, photo and video collages, family legacies and personal biographies that reflects the individual lives of the residents and the uniqueness of man.