We have always lived in the castle
Installation by Tina Ruisinger and Regula Müdespacher, supported by Kaa Linder
Photobastei, Zurich, 2014
Influenced by a place of importance for both photographers, the project focuses on photographically reducing the strong sensual impressions, emanating from this place.
The main focus of their thesis is the search of the „subconscious image“ of that moment, and therefore evoking perceptions for the viewer. A sentence, a room, a fleeting memory. How much impulse does it need for their own story?
Silence is a statement in the project „we have always lived in the castle“. Also a statement for the working process. Instead of endless discussions about the value, function and meaning of photography, there should only be silent images, oscillating between the perception of the photographer and the recipient. The synthesis is done in the viewer’s head. Photography without any necessity for consumption. The experience is being born in absence of the image, it will only belong to the viewer. The room defines the frame: it conforms to the camera lens, the detail, the image boarder.
The room becomes part of the installation.
We have always lived in the castle
to beam with joy