MEMENTO - The Force Field of Memories @ Museum für Sepulkralkultur

OPENING OCTOBER 16, 2020 7.30 PM (10/17, 2020 – 2/28, 2021) Weinbergstraße 25–27, 34117 Kassel

An exhibition on individual forms of remembering and commemoration

The Museum of Sepulchral Culture, Kassel dedicates the exhibition MEMENTO – The Force Field of Memories to individual forms of remembrance and commemoration through a selection of international contemporary artworks and cultural-historical testimonies. The title refers to the simultaneously attractive and repellent effect of memories of people and experiences that have been lost to the current of time. The attraction of thoughts of the past and of images of memory, which, due to their painful psychological and emotional potentials, can often be accompanied by inner defence mechanisms, makes people leave their present ­– the here and now. Tina Ruisinger as a participation artists presents parts of her work “Traces”
